Meet Aerosmaw! (Colbeala's sona.)

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Info Sheet

Character's Full Name: Aerosmaw Emerald-Harper
(first name pronounced: Airs-Maw)
Spooky Scary Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them
Species: Ninjagonian Dragon
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Orientation: Demipansexual
Personality Type: INFP-T
Height (in feet and inches): 9'8
Weight (in Lbs): 1934

Coming from Ninjago, Aerosmaw is a Master of Smoke, generally somebody who can only be described as a chill, nerdy and patient (perhaps too patient) dragon... even though there may have been a few instances he snapped. Though it is unknown how many of them are known to this day.

And that's probably... for the best, all things considered, as him and the local townsfolks keep a big secret away from non-locals regarding to one of the many few methods he uses to deal with criminals.

Doesn't really feel like he's doing truly "good" good things to keep Peace in his town, but he does look like he means very well.

So, it's best to be at your best behavior when you're on his territory. Cos if you were to live to tell the tale? Nobody will believe you. Keep talking? You'll be shut up eventually.

When asked how we generally feels about doing... what he has to do, sometimes, he often responds with this:
"Eh... I guess it's just one of those [DAY IN THE WEEK NAME HERE, PLURAL]."


Local townsfolk, those who got on Aerosmaw's good side, and generally those who've observed him, always see him coming across as a pretty talkative (in spite of his claims of solely being a listener - which, he is, too), charming, and chill nerd who manages to let people themselves talk about their own personal hyperfixations and stuff.

If there's something annoying being brought up, Aeros looks for a way to ease it down or turn it into something more pleasant, like by making a conversation about said thing pretty pleasant and constructive.

When he's on his own, it might actually seem like he prefers to be a loner, while - really - it often is quite a solar opposite. When hanging out with potential (and actual) friends, Aeros treats them how he wants them to tream him back: (almost) never makes any snarky remarks towards the other, respects their boundaries; comes off as somewhat flirty and teasing when being playful towards closer friends, but knows not to take that too far, as he wants to make sure everyone is having a good, comfortable time.

Expresses negative emotions only in private spaces. But even when he is having a rough day, he manages to keep his patience perfectly intact - so well, in fact, it's occasionally uneasy to think about what could happen if he were to break publicly.



  • Food. I mean... who doesn't like food, aside from those with eating disorders? (well, I'm not saying Aerosmaw has one of those... but even thinking about it is working up his appetite.)

  • His Own Physique. Gotta practice body positivity on something, yes? No?

  • Computers. He may be a part of a town that resembles an old Ninjagonian village, but don't let that fog the fact that he LOVES anything related to computers, or any tech that can run Incredibox at the very minimum. Just ask his Meshtrus computer - Akudon - for confirmation!

  • Aforementioned Akudon. He is what Karen is to Plankton from SpongeBob, but furry and gayer. Aerosmaw's husband of whose existence the locals are 100% aware of.

  • Freetime Activities. When he's not decided to go on guard duty (or, really, when the town is often NOT in danger), he likes to dedicate his time towards working on his craft in varying art forms - according to his anonymous therapist, it helps him cool off after a VERY nasty day - and, as far as the locals are aware, he likes to tutor his guests. He is even eager to do so for free, but tries to turn away the tips he is being offered (I say "tries", because the guest students always find a way to leave money behind and it is unknown how great his wealth must have gotten at this point.)

  • Being on guard duty. Helping people stay safe is enough for him to be happy!


  • ...Being on guard duty. The part where some baddies scratch him is annoying.

  • Textbook bad guys who monologue too fucking much, "Yawn yawn yawn, anyway - think fast", and they're knocked out after being stepped on.

  • Upsetting people. Even at times when it's necessary for him to get serious.

  • Eels. They rarely taste good, so he prefers crab meat more.

(a character page for the creator's fursona is not complete without the obligatory "Likes/Dislikes" section of their bio!)

Explicit Extra Info

When it comes to the subject of "vore", it's clear as day that he is a Pred.

Sometimes can devour creatures twice bigger his own size.

After devouring something (or someone), his meal - depending on his choice - can end up in one of his stomachs:

  • The Crop. Otherwise known as "The Storage", as that stomach can contain so much and keep so many people around in perfectly safe condition, and "The Tea Spa", due to it being often half-filled with a mixture of various teas, keeping a senere scent around the space.

    Unlike most crops, it is not connected to the real stomach where the digestive process often continues - but rather, it has a pathway to the thinner and longer stomach localized entirely within Aerosmaw's tail.

    For eating people that want to be eaten, he always tries to contain them in the crop, as it's the safest stomach to be located in and, - as Aerosmaw believes, - contains enough features guaranteeing an enjoyable stay, and is much easier to regurgitate them when they decide that their time is up.

    Of course, there is still a few people that actually want to get in his real stomach, much to his inner disappointment.

  • The Main Stomach is, as mentioned earlier, where all the food comes down to churn away into nutrients for the big guy.

    Should a living being slide inside, it's very likely that they'll be absorbed into his body, getting stuck as sentient belly fat for some time, and be reformed soon after.

    The way this stomach absorbs people, it's gently enslares all the squirming space away from the prey, which is enough for the stomach innards to feel like fleshy quicksand. If one were to vanish into the walls completely - that's when the prey is absorbed is contained around Aerosmaw's belly.

    The prey are absorbed in his intestines much faster, but they do get trapped as part of Aerosmaw's belly for an indefinite time (unless if the stars align). Even at the end of the intestinal tracks, the prey get almost instantaneously absorbed away.

Sometimes, he exceptionally lets his guest students in his main stomach, as long as he is tutoring them on finding a way out of a predator's stomach, as he can reform people with ease on the next morning.