Meet Akudon! (Colbeala's/Aerosmaw's personal meshtrus buddy.)

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Info Sheet

Character's Full Name: Akudon Camper
Spooky Scary Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Meshtrus (original species by polyvishap)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Orientation: Asexual
Personality Type: ENFJ-A
Height (in feet and inches): 11'0
Weight (in Lbs): 4210

Akudon is a Meshtrus! Basically, an anthropomorphic computer cyborg beast buddy. (he uses some traits of a cougar)
More specifically - Cole/Aeros' personal therapist, programming + motivational assistant, and computer husband. He essentially has been helping Cole deal with his inner issues, as well as getting... close and personal, to put it lightly~.

Some believe that he is one of the descendants of "The First Meshtrus", some even assume he is "The First Meshtrus" himself because of a few Meshtri looking up to him as their father figure.


He's an absolute happy-go-lucky sweetheart and cuddlebug who doesn't pull any literal punches ever so casually.

To add to the aforementioned "First Meshtrus" related rumors, more specifically Meshtri looking up to him as their dad figure, he's kind, empathetic, creative... encouraging... accepting - well, mostly accepting - and he's definitely the guy who'd spit out dad jokes at you.



  • Accompanying Cole/Aeros!

  • Info Dumping.

  • Mint flavored ice cream! Otherwise, he likes vanilla, too.


  • Slow internet connections.

Explicit Extra Info

While he is a computer, he was modified enough to also be able to function as Cole/Aeros' belly-home on legs too, reserving two stomachs (user unit and base digestive unit) for his precious admin, and leaving another one (2nd digestive unit) for "normal foods and outsiders".

Yeah, what I'm saying is that Cole/Aeros' lives inside his belly huehuehueh what an endo vore whore anyway

Sometimes swallows up zip-bombs to inflate his gut, usually to indulge himself and his admin in... certain ideas.
(It's his guilty pleasure~.)

Oh yeah, and he is actually a father of a Steam Deck based Meshtrus (after swallowing a Steam Deck package right out of Cole's hands) that... still isn't coming out of his "womb", even after reaching maturity, which is when any Meshtrus can come out. (It's too cozy in there.)